
Augment iPhone Battery Case

After all of the improvements Apple has made with the iPhone there is still one downfall that plagues it to this day which is the battery. It seems like no matter how careful you are it still drains like crazy which can totally ruin your day. Battery cases aren't anything new but the concept of this Augment Case brings something new and fresh to the table which we always love to see. The main difference you see right away is the shape of the case itself which is completely square. The case and battery only holds a 1,200 mAh battery so this isn't going to juice up your phone as quickly as some of the other competitors on the market but that is the sacrifice you make for something new and different like this case.

The Augment Case is currently looking for funds on Kickstarter right now so if this looks like something you might be interested in then go check out their official page here and throw them some dough. Continue below for some additional detailed shots of this one of a kind battery case.


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